Pattern recognition in branding
1 min read
Is Gucci selling rubber carpets?. Read carefully, it says Gucgi. But that doesn’t matter very much to your brain, at least at first glance. Seen on a Taxi on Tianjin, China.
Designed chaos in architecture
2 min read
It’s taken for granted that order makes our life easier. And it’s also better known that shopping malls are created so that you have to walk a little bit to come across shops while you seek for the next escalators. What really surprised me was to know that some malls are designed to get us…
Expectation gap
1 min read
Expectation gap between what you think you will find in a drugstore and what you actually run into.
Quantitative differences
1 min read
Almost imposible to understand the quantitative differences in minutes between one sandwatch and another. The Indication should say: “5 minutes walk to the farthest boarding gate plus 5 minutes more to fully understand this graph”. Seen on Beijing’s old airport.
Understability is overrated
1 min read
Hieroglyphics are so fun…
Selection process in the absence of hierarchy
1 min read
Just try to pick one. Seen on a tech market in Hong Kong.
Unexpected objets
1 min read
I’ll call it a hatbrella. Seen in Hong Kong.
The cult of mac
1 min read
Apple es una de las marcas más reconocidas y copiadas en China. El posicionamiento siempre ha sido claro, algo cool, bueno y no precisamente barato. La diferencia es que en China, el posicionamiento está mucho más cercano a una marca de lujo de lo que en occidente podamos pensar. Un iphone tiene un coste equivalente a…
Deseo aspiracional
1 min read
De la marca por parecer lo que no es y del consumidor por vestir lo que no tiene. El deseo aspiracional, ese fantástico ingrediente del comportamiento humano. Visto en Yanqing, Beijing.