Designed chaos in architecture

It’s taken for granted that order makes our life easier. And it’s also better known that shopping malls are created so that you have to walk a little bit to come across shops while you seek for the next escalators.

What really surprised me was to know that some malls are designed to get us completely lost. They talk about it in The secret life of buildings, a great series that face how building’s shape affect us. Since watching it, I’ve been quite obsessed  analyzing path routes in every shopping mall I visit. It turns up to be kind of fun to discover every trick that architects have planned to makes us walk along the building:

  • Escalators that drives you not just one floor, but accidentally two or even more without almost noticing it.
  • Lifts that works only for some floors.
  • Levels that are only accessed by some lifts and escalators.
  • Different placement of lifts and escalator, it’s a seek and find game to spot the right one that takes you where you want.
  • Solitary escalators to which you have to walk, just to check if it’s going up or down.
  • The list continues up to the infinite…

The series can be found here:

Thanks to Dámaris for telling about this!

Quantitative differences

quantitative differences

Almost imposible to understand the quantitative differences in minutes between one sandwatch and another. The  Indication should say: “5 minutes walk to the farthest boarding gate plus 5 minutes more to fully understand this graph”.

Seen on Beijing’s old airport.

The cult of mac

Apple es una de las marcas más reconocidas y copiadas en China. El posicionamiento siempre ha sido claro, algo cool, bueno y no precisamente barato. La diferencia es que en China, el posicionamiento está mucho más cercano a una marca de lujo de lo que en occidente podamos pensar. Un iphone tiene un coste equivalente a 4 sueldos de un camarero medio. Son constantes las historias de inconscientes que venden un órgano u otras cosas a cambio de un producto de Apple.

Ayer hablando con una amiga me decía que quería un ordenador nuevo, pero no cualquiera. Quiere un macbook porque sirve para presumir y lo comenta abiertamente. Su significado como objeto de diferenciación social vale su peso en oro.

No dejo de sorprenderme de la naturalidad con la que se trata la ostentación en la sociedad China.

Deseo aspiracional

Zapatillas de deporte

De la marca por parecer lo que no es y del consumidor por vestir lo que no tiene. El deseo aspiracional, ese fantástico ingrediente del comportamiento humano.

Visto en Yanqing, Beijing.