Mixed feelings
1 min read
Not drinkable water sign upon a standing water cooler.
People container
1 min read
Shanghai’s huge train station.
Male arrived
1 min read
Probably referring to Malé.
Power to the people, abandoned parking meters
1 min read
Some days ago I found this unused parking meter near a comercial area in Beijing. It was installed about 5 years ago, but for nothing. I was told that car owners didn’t know how to use it, and didn’t care about the whole thing. Now it stands as a testimony of the locals slipshod sense…
Non recyclable symbol
0 min read
360buy.com brick and mortar branches
1 min read
360buy.com, commonly known as the Chinese equivalent to Amazon holds several brach offices across the country where you can go to get your online purchased items. The retailer invests vasts quantities of money in logistics and customer support. Feel odd to go someplace and get something previously purchased online. I guess solve many “last mile”…
Pattern recognition in branding
1 min read
Is Gucci selling rubber carpets?. Read carefully, it says Gucgi. But that doesn’t matter very much to your brain, at least at first glance. Seen on a Taxi on Tianjin, China.
Designed chaos in architecture
2 min read
It’s taken for granted that order makes our life easier. And it’s also better known that shopping malls are created so that you have to walk a little bit to come across shops while you seek for the next escalators. What really surprised me was to know that some malls are designed to get us…
Expectation gap
1 min read
Expectation gap between what you think you will find in a drugstore and what you actually run into.