Agustín Jiménez

Observations about tech, design and people. Since 2010.


  • Some days ago I found this unused parking meter near a comercial area in Beijing. It was installed about 5 years ago, but for nothing. I was told that car owners didn’t know how to use it, and didn’t care about the whole thing. Now it stands as a testimony of the locals slipshod sense…


  • My Freedom Or Death – Condition ONE Beta from Danfung Dennis on Vimeo. “Condition ONE is a mobile media technology company developing the tools and platform for leading filmmakers, photojournalists and visual storytellers to create powerful immersive experiences for next generation devices to engage a global audience.” Espectacular.


  • Ando dándole bastantes vueltas al tema últimamente. Es indudable el atractivo y utilidad potencial de superponer capas de información a lo que tenemos delante, pero me invade ligeramente el escepticismo cuando se trata de bajar las ideas a la realidad. Será porque usarlo con los dispositivos actuales llamas mucho la atención y me siento observado,…


  • Menú de restaurante donde los platos se presentan como fichas que debes seleccionar. Son tus deseos materializados de forma clara y unívoca para el personal del restaurante.
