Reconfigura la realidad
1 min read
Reconfigura la realidad y adáptala a tus necesidades.
Diseño de servicios: taxis
3 min read
Los taxis son un bien escaso en las grandes capitales de China. La alta demanda de taxis y la consecuente falta de disponibilidad podría significar que es un buen negocio. La realidad es bien otra. Tarifas controladas a la baja por el gobierno, un elevado coste de los combustibles y un sistema de empresas -algo…
The unwanted
1 min read
Items abandoned everywhere are collected by IKEA’s crew a few minutes before closing at night. Trolleys full of unfulfilled intentions.
Spaniards, mind your head
1 min read
In a country where the red color is used for everything, red is not enough.
Preserve it
1 min read
In China it’s common that many objets keep parts of its original package. Adhesive films, cardboards and foams are everywhere. Is this carelessness or a true will for preservation?. I’m not quite sure.
0 min read
Water calligraphy printer by Nicholas Hanna
1 min read
Just Because: Tricycle Calligraphy 水书法器 from Jonah Kessel on Vimeo. Completely amazing. Check Hanna’s website for more videos.
Male arrived
1 min read
Probably referring to Malé.
Power to the people, abandoned parking meters
1 min read
Some days ago I found this unused parking meter near a comercial area in Beijing. It was installed about 5 years ago, but for nothing. I was told that car owners didn’t know how to use it, and didn’t care about the whole thing. Now it stands as a testimony of the locals slipshod sense…