Agustín Jiménez

Observations about tech, design and people. Since 2010.


  • Preserve it

    In China it’s common that many objets keep parts of its original package. Adhesive films, cardboards and foams are everywhere. Is this carelessness or a true will for preservation?. I’m not quite sure.


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  • Prohibitions and negations as a vehicle for learning. Supermarket trolley. Seen in Madrid.


  • Chopped tube

    These ketchup packs made me think about the previous shapes of objects. We are surrounded by things with an evolution history. Few of them are created and used as raw, without hard modification. Even the simplest materials requires some treatment.


  • You’ve surely noticed that when browsing the web some ads are closely related to your previous visits to certain pages. Even if that happened days ago. Online behavior tracking have been there for some time, and boost sales enormously for an online retail business -just to mention one-. How do you feel about that?. It’s obvious…


  • Perdurability


  • “Don’t stop. Continue and fill the rest of the platform”. Obey the master. Period. Seen in Seville subway.


  • Seen in Madrid.


  • Shanghai’s huge train station.


  • Some days ago I found this unused parking meter near a comercial area in Beijing. It was installed about 5 years ago, but for nothing. I was told that car owners didn’t know how to use it, and didn’t care about the whole thing. Now it stands as a testimony of the locals slipshod sense…
