Agustín Jiménez

Observations about tech, design and people. Since 2010.


  • Prohibitions and negations as a vehicle for learning. Supermarket trolley. Seen in Madrid.


  • You’ve surely noticed that when browsing the web some ads are closely related to your previous visits to certain pages. Even if that happened days ago. Online behavior tracking have been there for some time, and boost sales enormously for an online retail business -just to mention one-. How do you feel about that?. It’s obvious…


  • Mixed feelings

    Not drinkable water sign upon a standing water cooler.


  • This is a lift calling deck, with nonsense duplicated buttons. Remember me the double checking problem some people experiment. Seen in Glory Mall, Beijing


  • Is Gucci selling rubber carpets?. Read carefully, it says Gucgi. But that doesn’t matter very much to your brain, at least at first glance. Seen on a Taxi on Tianjin, China.


  • It’s taken for granted that order makes our life easier. And it’s also better known that shopping malls are created so that you have to walk a little bit to come across shops while you seek for the next escalators. What really surprised me was to know that some malls are designed to get us…


  • Expectation gap between what you think you will find in a drugstore and what you actually run into.


  • Just try to pick one. Seen on a tech market in Hong Kong.


  • La intrusión mental que produce cuando pasas por delante del comercio es tremenda. Es imposible que McDonalds no te venga a la cabeza. ¿Es esto ético?. Salvando las distancias me recordaba a otro caso que ví en Marrakesh, si no recuerdo mal, donde en una calle estrecha los comercios enfrentados unos junto a otros competían…


  • Add ons

    ¿Qué circunstancias deben darse para que dos elementos unidos cumpliendo cierta función sean percibidos como un único objeto?, ¿o como un objeto mejorado?. Es evidente que el árbol (que es un ser vivo, no un objeto) dificilmente cuadra con el aditamento eléctrico. Pero ¿y si en vez de por un árbol la caja estuviese sujeta…
